James McGahn

Who needs Weather Channel when you have React Weather Channel. A Weather Channel inspired classic weather app.

React Weather Channel

Tech Used:reactreact-routeraxiosmaterial-uijssleaflethtml

React Weather Channel is a fully functional weather app. Users can search locations across the world and find weather information.

The Weather App provides summaries for weather on the main Today page. Forecasts are further broken down as Hourly, Daily, and Weekend Forecasts.

Users can find the radar for their location (Leaflet.js/Windy API) as well as the air quality and allergy count. Users can search multiple locations and it saves on the history bar navbar. Location data is stored in local storage.


The main challenge for this project was figuring out how to convert air quality data from ug to its correct conversion (eg ppm, ppb. etc.).

From there a scale based on the AQI spec for each pollutant was needed to figure out which range the pollutant data was in to display the data. A second scale was needed to compare each pollutant to each other to see which pollutant is the predominant pollutant for the day.